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安恒公司 / 产品信息 / Phone+关于福禄克发布便携式VoIP测试仪的报道
2006-04-24    安恒公司 产品部       阅读:


Nettool VoIP的测试随着 VoIP 吸引越来越多的用户,测试 VoIP 连接的需求也在不断增加。在线杂志 Phone+ 上刊登了 Fluke Networks NetTool VoIP 的*新信息。“VoIP 不只是另*个应用程序”Fluke Networks 解决方案营销经理 Lisa Schwartz 说到。“流量问题不会影响机器,但是对于人们的耳朵来说,却不容忽视。这就是为何 VoIP 系统需要引起特殊注意。”

Fluke Debuts VoIP Test Tool

Fluke Networks has introduced a new inline network test tool, NetTool VoIP, that provides troubleshooting with an “edge testing” approach. The tool combines testing of cables, network, IP phones and PC configurations into a single device. The tool is designed to be used by front-line technicians, so fewer problems are escalated to higherlevel engineers with more complex tools. NetTool VoIP gives the ability to monitor VoIP service at the edge, enabling technicians to see into VoIP calls by connecting between the phone and the network. Technicians can see the quality of calls in progress by measuring the RTP stream and displaying the number of frames, frames dropped, outof- sequence frames and jitter. Call setup, configuration and tear-down signaling all are visible to the user.


责任编辑: admin

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